Animal: Tim Flach
For the inaugural exhibition of our new space in Mougins, in partnership with Un Moment Barnes, Echo Fine Arts is delighted to announce the opening of a new solo exhibition by British photographer Tim Flach entitled Animal.
This exhibition presents a curated selection of a dozen photographs from various series by Flach, showcasing his exceptional ability to capture the soul of the animal kingdom. From birds to big cats, his work transcends traditional wildlife photography by exploring the emotional and intellectual connections between humans and animals. Rooted in his signature studio portrait style, he gives equal attention to all species in order to challenge viewers to reconsider their anthropocentric worldview. Framing animals not only as subjects but as partners in the shared narrative of life on Earth. His photography hence opens a broader conversation about our relationship with animals in ethical, historical, scientific, and political contexts. Through powerful and intimate imagery, Flach seeks to provoke empathy and deepen the viewer's understanding of the urgent need for conservation.
Opening Reception:
February 7th, from 6pm to 8pm
Opening Hours:
Tuesday & Wednesday : 9am - 6pm
Thursday to Saturday : 9am - 1am
Sunday & Monday: closed
Un Moment Barnes, 461 Av. Saint-Basile, 06250 Mougins
Visitors are invited to join us for the opening reception and can continue the evening by reserving a table at the restaurant.
Tim FlachBhajan Licking, 2012
Tim FlachKanja Shaking, 2012
Tim FlachNorthern Cardinal, 2021
Tim FlachShoebill Stork, 2017
Tim FlachSpirit , 2010
Tim FlachHimalayan Monal - Three Quarters, 2021
Tim FlachGentoo Penguins Diving, 2021
Tim FlachFrisians, 2008
Tim FlachTia - Elephant Spray, 2010
Tim FlachPhillippine Eagle - Front On, 2021
Tim FlachLusitano Backs, 2008
Tim FlachNewmarket Treadmill, 2008
Tim FlachMontys' Neck, 2008
Tim FlachPenny Working the Bracken, 2010
Tim FlachToco Toucan - Front On, 2021
Tim FlachFlamboyance, 2021