The Suspended Time, Italy

Alain Laboile

The Regional Directorate of National Museums of Apulia has invited Alain Laboile to exhibit "The suspended time" in the Carlo V Castle in Lecce, until November 4th.
This exhibition enhances both Alain Laboile's photographs, that transport us to a world where time seems truly suspended, hence allowing us to rediscover the value of the present, and a journey between history and contemporaneity thanks to the contrast between modern photographs and the solemnity of the ancient walls. 

Mettant en lumière l'oeuvre photographique de Laboile, dans un espace historique, l'installation nous transporte dans un univers hors du temps, nous invitant à reconsidérer la valeur du présent au cours d'un voyage entre l'ancien et le contemporain, la spontanéité de l'enfance illustrée dans les photos, et l'esprit solemnel des murs.


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July 13, 2024
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