JeeYoung Lee | Who Am I?

Korean Cultural Center, Belgium

JeeYoung Lee's photographs will be included in the 6th Photography Exhibition "Who Am I" at the Korean Cultural Center in Brussels, Belgium.


Curated by Seok Jaehyun, this exhibition will feature artworks by five South Korean photographers (AHN Jun, BAE Chan-hyo, CHOI Young-kwi, JEONG Yun-soon, and LEE Jee-young) gathered under the theme of self-portraiture. This form of self-reflective art in which the gaze of the artist is directed inward toward their inner self or ego rather than outward toward external objects, has been continuously examined throughout history. 


"Who Am I"

January 25 - March 31, 2023

Korean Cultural Center, Rue de la Régence 4, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

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January 2023
of 44