Zhu Ming Chinese, 1972
34 1/8 x 49 5/8 in
49 5/8 x 72 1/8 in
"In the performances on Sydney Harbour, ZhuMing enclosed himself in a
large transparent plastic bubble. Adrift on the Harbour, he floated
naked inside the bubble [with a breathing pipeattached to it] allowing
the current to determine his direction. There was an implicit symbolic
meaning – the soft and fragile skin of the bubble served as a metaphor
for the womb from which life is shaped, nurtured and exiled; while the
pipe connecting Zhu Ming and the bubble symbolised the umbilical cord.
The crispness of the bubble represented the frailty of many aspects of
reality as well as that of human nature. An inevitable natural life
cycle, from beginning to end, was in full evidence in this work."
Li Zhe, excerpt from "Liquid Sea Review"
sa performance dans le port de Sydney, Zhu Ming s'est enfermé au centre
d'une large bulle en plastique transparent. Se laissant porter par les
vagues de la baie, il flotte, nu (un tuyau lui apporte de l'oxygène),
laissant ainsi au courant le soin de déterminer sa trajectoire. Le sens
symbolique est implicite : la peau douce et fragile de la bulle
constitue une métaphore de la matrice maternelle, qui forme, nourrit et
expulse la vie. Le tuyau connecté évoque le cordon ombilical. La
transparence cristalline de la bulle représente la fragilité de nombreux
aspects de la réalité, mais aussi de la nature humaine. L'artiste
illustre ici l'inéluctable cycle de la vie."